Friday, May 9, 2008

Sleep: Relax Before You Go to Bed

If you want a good night's sleep it's important to relax before you go to bed. It's also important to feel sleepy; if you're still wide awake, try staying up until you are sleepy. A few things that are helpful in preparing for sleep are as follows:
1. Avoid thinking about any of your problems.
2. Listen to relaxing music.
3. Read a book. Reading late in the evening makes many people sleepy.
4. Watch TV, but make sure it isn't violent TV.
5. A warm bath just before bedtime always helps.
6. Don't exercise just before you go to bed, but exercise earlier in the day is good.
7. Sit down and relax. Don't do housework or other chores right up to the time you go to bed.
8. As you sit and relax, visualize something pleasant. Think about something pleasant
9. Don't have a large meal just before you go to bed.
10.Don't drink coffee within four hours of going to bed.
11.If you are worried about what you have to do the next day -- make a list, write everything down, then forget about them. Put them out of your mind.
12.Try to keep a regular schedule. Go to bed at approximately the same time every night.

Also see the chapter on sleep in my book "Feel Great Feel Alive: Seven Steps to
Super Health and Fitness. Barry Parker.

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